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Am I A Sex Addict?

For all addicts, a moment comes when they realize they have a problem.
-Patrick Carnes, Ph.D. (2011, Facing the Shadows)


A brief sex addiction screening questionnaire
  • Partner Sexuality Survey
  • Betrayal Bond Index


PATHOS is a brief sexual addiction screening questionnaire developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes
  • Do you often find yourself preoccupied with sexual thoughts? (Preoccupied)
  • Do you hide some of your sexual behavior from others? (Ashamed)
  • Have you ever sought help for sexual behavior you did not like? (Treatment)
  • Has anyone been hurt emotionally because of your sexual behavior? (Hurt others)
  • Do you feel controlled by your sexual desire? (Out of control)
  • When you have sex, do you feel depressed afterwards? (Sad)

If you answer “Yes” to 3 or more of these questions, it is recommended you speak with a trained therapist to explore your responses (click here to begin searching).

PATHOS: A brief screening application for assessing sexual addiction, by Dr. Patrick Carnes was published in the Journal of Addiction Medicine: March 2012 - Volume 6 - Issue 1 - p 29–34   For more information on the science click here.
Using the PATHOS Questionnaire for Screening Sexual Addiction Among College Students: A Preliminary Exploration was published in the journal Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity The Journal of Treatment & Prevention Volume 22, 2015 - Issue 2: Understanding of Divergences in Sexual Behaviors. For more information on the science click here.
.PATHOS: A Quick Screening Method for Assessing Sexual Addiction published in The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling September 1, 2013 For more information on the science click here.

Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST)

SAST is sexual addiction screening questionnaire developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes
The Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) is designed to assist in the assessment of sexually compulsive or "addictive" behavior. Developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes in cooperation with hospitals, treatment programs, private therapists and community groups, the SAST provides a profile of responses which help to discriminate between addictive and non-addictive behavior. 
The Same Yet Different: Refocusing the Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST) to Reflect Orientation and Gender published in Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity The Journal of Treatment & Prevention Volume 17, 2010 - Issue 1  by Dr. Patrick Carnes  For more information on the science click here.

Sex Addiction Risk Assessment (SARA)

SARA is a sexual addiction risk questionnaire developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes

This assessment consists of 70 questions based on the most common behaviors of the Sexual Dependency Inventory (SDI).  It is more comprehensive than the Sexual Addiction Screening Test (SAST-R) and will hopefully help you understand that, if a problem exists, what exactly those problems are and how they present themselves and the possible consequences you are facing or may face if the behaviors continue.  Before you begin, it is recommended you take the SAST as you will need to enter their score at the beginning of the test.  

After you complete the SARA, you will be provided a detailed report that provides you with a recommendation for treatment (inpatient, outpatient or combination of both), a life profile that shows certain aspects of your life that match up with characteristics typically seen in sex addiction, behavior scores for the most common behavior categories, your risk analysis, and lastly, recommendations of where to find help.

  • If you wish to keep your results, you will need to print them immediately as the report and associated data are erased when you leave the page.
It is important to note that this is only a screening tool and cannot provide a definitive diagnosis.  It is highly recommended you review your results with a qualified therapist sex addiction therapist.  For a list of therapists in your area, please click here to begin your search.
More Tests
Partner Sexuality Survey (PSS)
Partner Sexuality Survey has been developed by Dr. Stefanie Carnes

If you are a partner or former partner of a sex addict, you may be having feelings of anger, sadness, and betrayal.  The trauma of discovering your partner is a sex addict can have significant impact on your life.  This 78 item survey examines experiences and feelings in 10 areas of your sexuality.  A report is generated after the completion of the survey and indicates how strongly you have been impacted in each of the 10 areas and a list of which items you indicated in each category.  

If the discovery of your partner’s sex addiction is recent, it is strongly recommended you take the assessment in the presence of a therapist or close friend you can talk with.  It is also recommended you seek out help from a qualified, Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT)

Betrayal Bond Index (BBI)
Betrayal Bond Index has been developed by Dr. Patrick Carnes

The series of statements on this test describe traumatic bonding, wherein a person bonds on the basis of betrayal. The result is what we call a "betrayal bond.”

You may also be interested in THE BETRAY BOND book written by Dr. Patrick Carnes

 Many Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT) also specialize in treating partners of sex addicts.

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